Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica
Capítulo: Las Diplomáticas
Chapter: The Diplomats
Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica是西班牙语和/或葡萄牙语高中学生的荣誉社团, 由美国西班牙语和葡萄牙语教师协会(AATSP)主办.
Honoraria Sociedad Hispánica的使命是表彰西班牙语和葡萄牙语的高中成绩,并促进对西班牙语和葡-巴西研究的兴趣.
任何在西班牙语或葡萄牙语学习中保持平均荣誉至少三个学期并且在10年级或更高(从西班牙语III或更高开始)的中学生都有资格成为SHH的成员. The definition of "honor grade” is left to the discretion of each chapter. 应该记住的是,SHH是一个荣誉协会,专门为那些学习成绩好的学生设立的,” 2018, paras. 1, 3 & 6).
Article II, Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School“El capítulo de las diplomáticas”的章程和章程第1节规定了以下会员资格标准:
Article II. Qualifications for Membership
Section 1. 要成为SHH的会员,学生必须符合以下条件:
b) Student must have completed at least three consecutive semesters of Spanish.
c)转学生必须在Gwynedd Mercy Academy高中完成一个完整学期的课程,才有资格并符合要求.
d) Student must have an overall GPA of 85% or higher.
f) Student must never have failed a class due to attendance.
g) Student must have a good behavior record and no discipline issues on record.
A copy of the Bylaws and Constitution are available upon request.